About Denis Cooney – Ormus Alchemy Founder
About Our Founder Denis Cooney:

Ormus Alchemy founder DENIS COONEY, based in Currumbin on the Gold Coast Australia, is an Alchemist and a Metaphysician, who has studied extensively and practiced utilizing the dynamics of the invisible realms that effect us as humans, such as Astrology, Numerology, Dowsing, Elemental Typology etc. His business background includes marketing of nutritional supplements, healthy lifestyles and promotion of personal development education and community awareness.
For 47 years Denis has focused his attention on making people feel good through personal upliftment in one form or another, driven by observing the discomfort and pain of so many people who lacked appropriate energy, knowledge, problem solving skills, focus and the financial security they were aiming for.
Ormus Alchemy Mission
To empower individuals and groups to access happier, higher states of aliveness and consciousness, by creating quality Ormus products, providing spiritually uplifting tutorials, life enhancing exercises and highly effective techniques to elicit more happiness, abundance, triumph, contentment, bliss, ecstasy and fulfillment. Our Sitemap will give you a comprehensive overview as to how we are aligned to our mission.
My Healing Journey

- HEALING OF THE MIND – he meditated more often and started researching anything that could improve brain functionality (from classical alchemy to modern science).
- HEALING OF THE PHYSICAL BODY – during his 75 days in hospital, after being taken out of traction and placed in a wheelchair, he forced himself to start walking, with the use of physiotherapy, chiropractic, cranial/sacral therapy, rebirthing (breath work) body harmony and more
- EMOTIONAL HEALING – he used re-birthing and past life regression, hypnotherapy and later ‘Gestalt Therapy’ to access the unexpressed inner pain and sadness.
3 months after the accident in 1993 he was invited to a presentation for Avatar, (a 9 day personal empowerment course) which touched the participants souls so deeply they were able to access sublime inner states of consciousness only ever felt during peak meditation states prior to this time. The many processes impressed him so much that he took to teaching the course which in turn facilitated further integrated healing. The 45 year journey of this ‘apprentice mystic’ has matured into the desired happiness, fulfilment, ideal lifestyle and ability to upwardly affect the lives of others on a daily basis through the Ormus realm and the inner disciplines he has developed that he shares on this site. Read more about Denis of Oz – the alchemist!
Denis the Alchemist?
Denis of Oz is an alchemist, metaphysician, researcher, social activist and transformational pioneer in alchemical, educational and community spheres. He has practiced meditation for 42 of his 60 years and currently lives and works in Australia.
Twenty five years ago Denis first produced alchemical potions for the upliftment and empowerment of his friends and family. For the past 11 years, he has been making Ormus in its current form using the classical ‘Wet Method’ for elevating the potential of common minerals in liquid form into powerful, programmable elixirs for the upliftment those who consume it and also those who come into close proximity of it.
Denis Cooneys’ passion emerged as a love of chemistry and history at a very young age and resulted in a lifelong quest for the empowerment of mind-bodyspirit through meditation, herbs, supplements, self development courses, qigong (chi gung), and now through the power of alchemical upliftment and transformation.
Ormus captures all of the years of growth of the Ormus maker as a part of it’s individual power for the Ormus user. Who Denis has evolved to, (and who You will also be and greater) becomes a part of the Ormus that we make available for you to enjoy. How? Ormus programmed for Higher Evolution for anyone who has it.
What affects the power and potency of the Ormus that you receive?
WHERE – The Environment the Ormus is made in (how nice it is)
WHEN – The TIME that it is made .. determined Astrologically
HOW – the Ormus is created, the methods and the processes involved,
WHO – The energies of the Beings present when making it .. we (no kidding) get many Higher Dimensional Allies/ArchAngels here at Ormus time.
WHAT – natural forces and dynamics are being utilised.. i.e. Pyramid Fields, made in Crystal Singing bowl and specially purposed Soundtracks.
WHICH – specific intentions and Themes are being invoked.
We take our Ormus making very seriously and create a ‘sacred and loving space’, and produce it during a systematically and carefully chosen time every lunar cycle to make our special gift for you … our esteemed customer.