Consciousness, Quantum Effects and Ormus: The Intricate Relationship
Consciousness remains one of the most baffling phenomena in science. Yet, there has been significant progress in recent years in understanding its relationship to the physical world.
One approach to consciousness is based on quantum mechanics, which suggests that consciousness could be a property of the wave function of the universe.
In this view, conscious experience arises when the wave function collapses due to measurement or other “objective reduction” processes. The key question then becomes how does the wave function know when to collapse?
Orch-OR is a theory proposed by physicists Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, which posits that certain microtubules within neurons are responsible for mediating the collapse of the wave function. These microtubules are networks of protein filaments that provide structural support for cells and play important roles in cell signaling and metabolism.
The Orch-OR theory has the potential to provide a comprehensive understanding of consciousness. It can help fill the gap between quantum mechanics and our understanding of consciousness.
What is the hard problem of consciousness
The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why and how humans have qualia or phenomenal experiences. Even once we have solved all such problems about the brain and experience, the hard problem will still persist. The hard problem has resisted all attempts at explanation, both scientific and philosophical. Some believe that it is an insoluble mystery; others think that a solution awaits us, either in the form of a new scientific theory or a change in our conceptual framework.
Mysticism: The Connection Between Mind and Matter
In the article, “Mysticism, Play, and Biology Explained the Quantum Effect in the World of Physics”, the connection between mind and matter is explored.
The epistemic/ontic distinction refers to the distinction between a “local realism” of empirical facts obtained from classical measuring instruments and a “holistic realism” of entangled systems.
The corresponding picture on the mental side refers to a distinction between conscious and unconscious domains.
In Jung’s depth psychological conceptions, these two domains are connected by the emergence of conscious mental states from the unconscious, analogous to physical measurement.
In Pauli’s and Jung’s terms this kind of causation is expressed by the ordering operation of archetypes in the collective unconscious.
The correlations between conscious mental states and physical brain states are not caused by any direct causal interaction between mind and matter, but result from the psychophysically neutral level comprising both the collective unconscious and the holistic reality of quantum theory.
The Basis of the Material World is Non-Material
Although the theory of quantum mechanics is still being developed, it has already provided scientists with invaluable information about the subatomic world. In particular, Erwin Schrödinger’s theory allows us to understand the behavior of atoms and molecules by considering their wave-like properties. This theory is essential for modern physics and could provide a basis for explaining the non-material nature of consciousness.
In essence, atoms and molecules are made of vibrations or standing waves. All atoms have a positive nucleus and electrons orbiting around it. Electrons are tiny elementary particles that have a definite mass- but they also have the ability to exist in two or more places at the same time. This is what allows subatomic particles to defy the laws of classical physics.
The material world that we experience is actually based on non-material foundations. Electrons, which are a fundamental part of the material world, are probability waves. Scientists first discovered this when they observed that electrons only show up as a tiny dot on TV screens or photographic film- they were able to determine the electron’s location by its wave pattern.
A probability is a mathematical description of the likelihood of something happening. Probabilities are dimensionless numbers, meaning they have no mass or energy. This is why they can exist in a world that is non-material.
The interference of waves is what ultimately determines the order of our material world. This means that the basis of our reality is not material, but non-material. This opens up many possibilities for how we understand consciousness and the nature of our reality.
Although it challenges our current understanding of the material world, the basis of modern science has always been that the material world is not the only reality. There are other levels of existence that we cannot see or touch but still have an impact on our lives. This was first proposed by mystics many centuries ago and has been explored by scientists in recent decades.
Classical physics posits that all matter is lost at the level of atoms and molecules. However, this has not always been the case. In fact, some of the earliest theories on the nature of matter were developed by religious thinkers. For example, Pythagoras in the 6th century believed that everything was made up of mathematical principles. And St. Augustine said that God created the world out of nothingness.
In fact, archetypes–which are non-material forms–can sometimes appear out of a cosmic realm. This occurs when a higher level of consciousness interacts with the physical world.
Quantum phenomena, such as the observer effect and quantum entanglement, support Jung’s theory. The observer effect is when the act of observation affects the outcome of an event. For example, when you observe a particle, it changes its behavior. This is because particles are actually waves that collapse into a specific state when observed. Quantum entanglement is when two or more particles are linked so that whatever happens to one particle will also happen to the other particle no matter how far apart they are. This happens because the particles are actually one thing and not individual objects.
The Link Between Them All is Quantum
In quantum mechanics, qualia or the subjecti of the explanatory gap between the mental and physical worlds. It arises when we try to determine whether a particular phenomenon is mental or experience of physical phenomena are essential for the development of TOC (theory of consciousness). Without qualia, physicists would be unable to develop a theory that accounts for our experience of the world. However, physicalism is fraught with explanatory gaps- it cannot fully explain how mental states interact with physical states. Additionally, there is the cosmic latecomer problem- the explanatory gap between the mental and physical worlds.
The explanatory gap between the mental and physical world is a common assumption in theories that consider consciousness as evolving from the cosmos. The problem exists because there are apparent differences between mental and physical entities, with no obvious bridge to connect them. This is also known as the demarcation problem.
In philosophy, there is the problem of demarcation which is also known as the explanatory gap between the mental and physical world. It’s often cited in discussions of consciousness because it seems like there’s a big jump from saying that we see red to saying that there are certain waves hitting our eyes. How can we bridge this gap? Some people think that mysticism provides an answer while others think that play might be the key. Concurrently, some scientists are looking at biology to explain these strange quantum effects.
Some scientists believe that when the complexity of an organization exceeds a certain critical level, consciousness arises. The brain of highly developed living beings has this complexity and so does the cosmos. In addition, there is ontological discontinuity- the first-time generation of such activity patterns in a sufficiently developed brain. This means that at some point in the development of a complex brain, consciousness appears. Even though the universe is insentient, at a certain point in its evolution, consciousness arises.
In addressing the demarcation problem-the difficulty in drawing a line between the natural and the supernatural-some scientists have turned to quantum mechanics for answers. In this line of thinking, consciousness is not just a product of the brain but is also fundamental to reality. However, there are still many unresolved issues with physics beyond the standard model, and more research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn.
In other words, EM interaction is the force that binds everything together. It is not a fundamental theory like gravity or the strong and weak nuclear forces, but QED- the quantum electrodynamics theory- accounts for all of the subtlety of EM interactions. Furthermore, according to classical notions of vacuum, there is no energy or potentialities in empty space; however, modern physics has shown that this is not actually the case.
Although Schoedinger’s wave equation is a theory of quantum mechanics, it can be interpreted in a way that relates to other scientific fields. The vacuum state is seen as an omnipresent EM field, and the spectral energy density refers to the uncorrelated normal modes that make up the field. Finally, the zero-point field (ZPF) is believed to be the fundamental substrate of the EM force.
In quantum mechanics, the electric potential is pivotal to understanding complex dynamical systems. Classical theory offers a suitable formula for electric potential, but complete theory reveals mechanisms. EM phenomena are mediated by the Zero Point Field (ZPF), and ZPF is the ultimate basis for EM interaction. QED-quantum electrodynamics-is key to unlocking these mysteries.
By exploring mysticism, play, and biology, a possible link between all of these phenomena can be found. In particular, the theory of second-order phase transitions (QED) can be applied to understand how quantum mechanics works on a larger scale. Furthermore, it has been shown that when a system is in resonance with certain modes of the Zero Point Field (ZPF), its collective behaviour can be explained in terms of selective filtering.
Consciousness As a Cosmic Property
Consciousness has been a topic of debate for centuries, with many different theories about its nature. In the world of physics, consciousness has been explored through the lens of quantum phenomena. One of the most interesting findings is that the properties of consciousness seem to extend beyond individual particles and can be considered a cosmic property. This means that part of the world can have an instant effect on another part, and that instantaneous effects over arbitrarily long distances are possible. Some scientists even believe that consciousness could exist at every point in space, from one end of the universe to another.
Electrons are waves that can be described with a simple mathematical equation. In the previous section, we saw how electrons behaved like waves. This means that they were not localized in one place but spread out over a certain area. However, they could also be described as particles because they had a definite location.
In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite location until they are observed. When in a vacuum, electrons cease to be material particles and become waves. In addition, all elementary particles appear as material things in space at specific positions. However, this changes when they are observed; the position of the particle is no longer important, but the wavelength and frequency is. This phenomenon is called the particle-to-wave transition.
Wave state theory suggests that entities don’t have mass and only take on form when they interact with other particles. When they are not interacting, they exist as waves. This is at the foundation of the world- there are elementary things or entities that make up everything else.
Consciousness is a cosmic property, meaning that it is not unique to humans but exists throughout the universe. The notion of Carl Gustav Jung’s idea of synchronicity and quantum physics appears to support the existence of a spiritual mind. In conclusion, “cosmic mind finds consciousness in us!”
Do quantum effects play a role in consciousness?
The role of biophotons in the brain is a growing area of research. Biophotons are spontaneous ultra-weak near-ultraviolet to near-infrared photons in biological systems. They were first discovered in the early 1900s, but their physiological role has only been studied since the 1970s.
Recent research suggests a link between intelligence and the frequency of biophotons. The theory is that higher intelligence is associated with a higher rate of biophoton emission. This theory is still being developed and there is not yet conclusive evidence.
Biophotons have been shown to play a physiological role in the central nervous system. Studies have shown that they are involved in neurotransmission, neuroprotection, and neurogenesis. There is also evidence that they play a role in consciousness.
Consciousness has emergent property of light. Niels Bohr’s new model of the atom included photons as particles of light emitted when electrons jumped between energy levels. Arthur Compton’s research into X-rays showed that they were scattered by collisions with electrons, proving that they behaved like waves as well as particles. Louis de Broglie’s suggestion that matter has wave-like properties was later proven by the discovery of electron diffraction.
These discoveries led to the development of quantum mechanics, which showed that photons are both particles and waves. This wave-particle duality is one of the most strange and mysterious aspects of quantum mechanics.
Some scientists have suggested that this duality also applies to consciousness. They argue that consciousness is a wave that is spread out over space and time. This would explain why we are able to be aware of things that are not in our immediate vicinity.
Do quantum effects play a role in consciousness? The jury is still out, but it is an intriguing possibility.
The Brain and Quantum effects
Although quantum effects have been found to play a role in some biological processes, it is still unclear how they manage to do so. Some scientists believe that the delicate nature of quantum systems would not allow them to survive for very long in biological systems.
However, recent research has shown that quantum effects might be involved in photosynthesis, avian navigation, enzymes, and even DNA. This research is ongoing and constantly evolving, but it provides a fascinating glimpse into the mysteries of consciousness and perception.
In consciousness, the brain is constantly processing quantum information. There are countless neuro-electric occurrences in the brain, and each one has the potential to create a quantum effect. When these effects happen simultaneously, they create a superposition of states. This means that all possibilities coexist and the choice of one reality over another is decided when someone observes it. There are many possible chains of brain activities, and each one leads to a different conscious experience.
It is fascinating to think about how the mysteries of quantum mechanics may have implications for our understanding of consciousness. For example, subjective perception is described as the awareness of a definite outcome, which is mathematically described as a collapse of the wave function. This happens when an observer interacts with a quantum system and observes one state or the other. There is also the thought experiment of Schrödinger’s Cat, which considers what happens when a cat exists in a state of both alive and dead until an observer opens the box and observes one state or the other. Interestingly, a recent study found that humans can also be in a state of quantum superposition. Researchers monitored radioactive material that was in a superposition of two states–one where there is decay, one where there isn’t. When people were asked to estimate how much time had passed since the material was last checked, they tended to guess more accurately when it was in a state of quantum superposition. This suggests that our subjective experience may have a quantum effect on the world.
Superposition and decay are two of the most important concepts in quantum mechanics. Superposition is the idea that an object can exist in multiple states at once, and decay is the process by which a quantum system loses its information. When these effects are observed in the brain, it provides evidence for quantum consciousness.
When it comes to understanding quantum effects in the brain, one of the most important things to consider is that there are two potential branches that can be taken. The first branch corresponds to the case where a radioactive atom has decayed and led to a certain brain activity chain. However, the other chain corresponds to the case in which there was no decay, and that corresponds to a different chain of brain activity leading to the awareness of “no click.” Interestingly enough, according to quantum theory, both branches were equally real until the moment of perception.
When looking at quantum mechanics from a first-person’s perspective, it is clear that the observer is inexorably part of a single branch. Each neuron in the brain occupies the same branch, and so does the conscious experience. The superposition’s collapse into a singular experience depends on how the brain processes information.
The brain creates electrochemical signals in order to process information. Ion dynamics are the pathway for all information in the brain. In other words, ions carry all of the information that is processed by the brain. Ca is a quantum particle, and it has been found to produce an exocytosis. This means that when Ca binds to certain receptors on a neuron, it can cause an increase in neurotransmitter release.
Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the very small world of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It postulates that certain properties, such as position, momentum, and energy, are not fixed but can exist in a range of possibilities until they are observed or measured. In other words, quantum mechanics suggests that when we’re not looking at something, it exists in all possible states simultaneously. This theory has been tested and proven time and again in the physical world; however, scientists have long been pondering whether or not quantum mechanics could also be applied to the brain and consciousness.
Now, a team of researchers has used electrophysiology probes to study the movement of ions within cells and determined that calcium channels may not be the only mechanism responsible for quantum effects in the brain. This research provides some evidence that supports the idea of quantum consciousness and suggests that we may still have much to learn about the relationship between quantum mechanics and the brain.
Though calcium channels were initially thought to be the sole cause of quantum effects in the brain, further research has shown that other molecules and structures are also involved. For example, it is now known that quantum fluctuations can occur when a neuron fires, and these fluctuations can affect neighbouring neurons. Additionally, the way that memories are stored may also involve quantum effects.
How does quantum theory explain consciousness? It’s all about the Ca. In quantum mechanics, Ca can pass through both slits at the same time and its direction of motion is uncertain. This is known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. So how does this relate to consciousness? Some scientists believe that our conscious minds are able to observe and control these quantum fluctuations in Ca, which is what allows us to make choices and experience the world around us.
In neuroscience, quantum mechanics has been used to explain various cellular and neuronal activities. Electrophysiology probes have captured the quantum level and macroscopic events in neurocircuitry. The Grand Biocentric design discusses how the brain’s emergence of time is related to quantum level and macroscopic events. It also explains how conscious experience arises because of time.
One of its most famous findings is that particles (like atoms) do not have a definite location until they are observed. This means that space is meaningless until this process occurs. This has led some scientists to believe that quantum mechanics could help explain consciousness.
Quantum activity has been found to be associated with different regions of the brain. For example, different memories and emotions are associated with different regions. This could explain why the same brain can have distinct identities.
The study of quantum mechanics has led to some interesting revelations about the nature of reality. One such revelation is that observers can change the past by making a choice in the present. This was demonstrated in an experiment where participants travelled down a corridor, and at a fork in the path they were presented with two choices. They could take one path or the other, but they couldn’t go back and change their decision. However, later on, after traveling more than 50 meters past the fork, they could flip a switch and decide how they behaved at the fork in the past. Nothing collapsed until the second choice/observation was made in present time. This experiment calls into question our notions of fixed reality and the immutable past. It also suggests that quantum effects may be playing a role in brain function.
Quantum mechanics has been puzzling scientists for decades, and the phenomena observed in subatomic particles do not seem to follow the laws of classical physics. Some of the quantum effects may also be present in the brain and consciousness. If this is true, it would call into question our notions of time and causality and suggest a more holistic view of reality. How consciousness works and is unified with matter is still an open question, but current research seems to suggest that the mind is indeed unified with the physical world.
The brain’s compass
The brain is able to sense Earth’s magnetic field. This ability has been referred to as a “sixth sense” because it does not rely on the five classical senses. The brain is thought to use quantum effects to accomplish its feats of navigation.
Changes in the strength of Earth’s magnetic field cause changes in alpha brain waves. These changes have been observed in studies of humans and animals alike. The radical pair mechanism relies on the interaction of electron spin with the geomagnetic field. It is uncertain whether this effect uses a similar quantum mechanism to the avian compass- in fact, the researchers suggest quite the opposite, that ferromagnetism is responsible for the effect.
Studies have shown how magnetic field mediated changes in the spin dynamics of the radical pair mechanism lead to increased reactive oxygen species. These studies suggest that changes in the geomagnetic field can influence biological systems via radicals pairs.
What is Neural entanglement?
Neural entanglement is the phenomenon in which two or more neurons are connected and share the same information. This can lead to a correlated firing of neurons. Neural entanglement may influence subsequent binding dynamics and calcium ion release.
Quantum particles are at the heart of cognitive theories. Spin dynamics in a magnetic field is what makes this possible. Long coherence lifetimes or quantum effects can persist for long enough to affect neural firing and memory function. Because phosphates have a nuclear spin of zero, they are susceptible to the quantum mechanical effects. Quantum mechanical effects lead to nerves firing in a correlated fashion. Entangled molecules such as Posner molecules may explain why nerves fire in a coordinated fashion.
Fisher suggests that quantum entanglement can have an effect on cognition processes. He argues that the spins of the phosphorus nuclei are entangled and if this can be isolated from other interactions it might last long enough for an effect on cognition processes.
Entangled Posner molecules are then taken up into neurons to bind with calcium ions, triggering entangled neural activation. Lithium has been successful in treating bipolar disorder. Lithium ion’s non-zero spin contributes to decoherence and neural activation.
Different isotopes have different effects on mothering rats. Different isotopes of xenon cause different levels of unconsciousness (Anesthesiology 129 271). Spin of a nucleus causes macroscopic changes. The mothering instinct or consciousness itself may be the result of entanglement.
Quantum Physics Is the Psychology of the Universe
In essence, quantum physics is the study of the universe at its smallest level. Virtual states are empty states of atoms and molecules- these are what quantum chemists call their virtual states. A virtual state is a mathematical form or pattern of information that exists in potential only.
Quantum physics has been able to provide a detailed description of the molecular world. It does so by postulating that at the atomic and subatomic level, reality is discontinuous. This means that there are an infinite number of energy holes in each valley (or molecule). Each valley also has an energy ladder that leads to fixed amounts of energy (quantized). As a result, molecules can be thought of as mountain ranges with many valleys and ladders.
On the one hand, scientists are trying to explain away strange entities that appear in quantum physics experiments by labeling them as “artifacts.” However, many people find this explanation unsatisfactory. After all, if there is no matter and no energy associated with these entities, then what are they? Jung’s thesis may provide an answer. He suggested that there is an unseen realm of unconscious forms behind our conscious thinking. This realm contains all of the potential possibilities for our lives, and it is constantly shaping our reality.
To some researchers, it appeared that the pioneers of quantum mechanics were trying to explain consciousness away as a mere construct. And yet, despite this pushback, many reactions in quantum mechanics are still steered by the empty state of molecules. In fact, the products of these reactions have magnetic properties. What’s more, these virtual states are invisible but they nevertheless affect visible phenomena.
Waves of a molecule are equivalent to a human’s mind. This means that quantum physics- the study of the fundamental behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level- can be used to understand aspects of psychology. In fact, psychology is the physics of the mind, while quantum physics is the psychology of the universe.
Quantum physics has provided researchers with a greater understanding of the invisible virtual states that affect visible phenomena. In particular, degenerate states- which are pairs of quantum states that share the same energy- have been found to be the basis for reactivity of oxygen. Additionally, molecules are guided by their inner images, as postulated by Jung’s theory of synchronicity. Research provides evidence for the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.
Synchronicity and the Mindlike Background of the Universe
Synchronicity is a concept that was developed by Carl Gustav Jung. It is the idea that events are connected in meaningful ways, but not through their visible causes. For example, two people might coincidence meet each other at a party, but there is no real connection between them except for the fact that they were both at the same place at the same time. However, sometimes events happen that seem to be more than just chance occurrences. These events are called synchronistic events and they have a special connection with a psychological state of mind.
Synchronicity may be a product of the unconscious mind. Jung believed that there was a connection between all events and that they shared important themes. He called this the “collective unconscious.” This means that events are not just randomly connected, but that they have a meaning behind them. Some people believe that synchronicity is evidence of a spiritual mind-like background to the universe.
Synchronicity is a real phenomenon, but it doesn’t have any connection to the empirical world. It’s based on principles or properties of the non-empirical realm of reality- a realm that includes quantum phenomena and consciousness. Synchronicity is an important bridge between the spiritual mind and physical reality.
In effect, Jung’s theory of synchronicity posits that there is a hidden background to the universe that synchronistically mirrors our own conscious states. This hidden side of reality is like the unconscious mind of the cosmos, and it contains the potential for all things to manifest in the empirical world. Nonempirical forms are real because they have the potential to appear in the empirical world and act in it.
We have seen that nonempirical forms are real because they have the potential to appear in our empirical world and act in it. Nonempirical forms can appear as thoughts and images in our conscious mind; or material structures and events in the external world. The important point is that they have the potential to be actualized.
Synchronistic events are possible because Universe is a whole that knows about its processes; it’s not a random, arbitrary place where things happen without rhyme or reason. Interestingly, synchronistic events seem random, but are really caused by some non-empirical process that we can’t see or understand. The cosmic spirit is unfathomable, but not arbitrary or mindless.
While many momentous things were happening in the early 1900s, synchronicity was rampant all over Europe. In 1901, Sigmund Freud invented psychoanalysis, and in 1902 Max Planck founded quantum physics. 1903 saw Henry Ford found the Ford Motor Company and the Wright Brothers succeeded in human motor flight. 1905 was a big year for Albert Einstein as he developed Relativity Theory and presented paintings by André Derain and Henri Matisse at an exhibition in Paris. All of these events were strangely synchronistic, and it’s possible that they were all connected in some way.
When quantum physicists discovered the nonempirical realm of things- the realm beyond what we can see and measure- painters began to search for the essence of their craft. The hidden power of unconsciousness was discovered by psychologists, who found that the mind is much more powerful than previously thought. Werner Haftmann’s book: Painting in the 20th Century provides a comprehensive overview of painting in the 20th century and its relation to consciousness.
Further, with the advent of quantum mechanics, scientists abandoned the idea that there was a single point from which they could measure and understand the universe. This change in perspective also led to a change in how artists depicted reality. Abstract painters no longer felt the need to create works that replicated what could be seen with the naked eye; they could explore new universes without having to worry about perspective.
In conclusion, the mental isn’t fragmented into isolated islands, but its thoughts form an ocean of thoughts in which everything is connected. The cosmic spirit is at work in a synchronistic process, and Carl Gustav Jung’s concept of synchronicity provides a useful way to understand the mindlike background of the universe.
The Science of Psychic Phenomena
Certain research has been exploring the science behind intuition, specifically being able to view events clairvoyantly. Raymond Trevor Bradley’s theory explains how focused emotional attention directed to the nonlocal object of interest attunes the bio-emotional energy generated by the body’s psychophysiological systems to a domain of quantum-holographical information, which contains implicit information about the object.
Itsuki Hirano and Atsushi Hirai believed that light could be generated via tiny structures found deep within the neurons of the brain. This may speak to when psychics access information in the form of mental image pictures while reading clairvoyantly or downloading information from the universal Akashic records. Termed as Quantum Holograms, they are connected to intuitive perception.
At the tiniest level, microtubules are connected to something called Zero-Point Energy. This is energy that exists beyond what we can see or touch, and it’s thought to come from things like the Akashic Record or Ch’I. Some scientists believe that microtubules generate light because they’re so closely connected to the ZPF.
David Bohm, Quantum Mechanics and the Implicate Order
There is a more fundamental level of the physical universe that underlies the explicate order that we experience everyday. This deeper level is revealed by quantum theory and relativity, which contradict one another. This suggests that there is an undivided wholeness from which the explicate order arises.
In the early 1950s, David Bohm proposed a revolutionary idea that challenged the foundation of modern physics. He suggested that there was an underlying order to the universe that went beyond what we could observe with our senses. This deeper order, which he called the “implicate order,” accounted for both matter and consciousness.
Bohm’s view of consciousness as not separated from matter is in line with current thinking in neuroscience, which sees the brain as a holographic system. In a hologram, every part contains all the information necessary to recreate the whole. Pribram’s conception of the brain as a hologram has given rise to new ways of understanding how memory and thought work.
Different memories are connected by association and can be manipulated by logical thought. The experience of listening to music is related to consciousness in much the same way as memories are. Music provides us with an opportunity to directly perceive the implicate order.
The implicate order is a flow of energy that connects emotions and physical responses. It is coherence over time, meaning that it links past, present, and future together in one unified whole. The next development of thought will be a result from necessity and an ensemble of elements enfolded in the brain.
In general, there are four facets to our experience of reality: sensory data, attention, past and present. The moment is possible to have extension in time and space. One moment gives rise to the next, with content that was implicate in the immediate past becoming explicate in the present. This unfolding happens spontaneously, and is a result of the wholeness of the implicate order.
Ormus Effects and the Implicate Order
The effects of Ormus revolve around the hypothesis that it may be interacting with a specific and unique energy field that surrounds “all” due to the feature of superconductivity.
This energy sphere that surrounds “all” might be related to the impacts of Ormus.
The effects of Ormus may be related to its “superconductivity,” which allows it to interact with this one-of-a-kind field of energy. According to the hypothesis, there is one enormous ocean of “one thing,” which is one big “field of energy.” In the most basic sense, this field of energy alludes to the concept of a huge, unseen backdrop of “boundless energy” and is related to the concepts of a “quantum field,” “scalar field,” or “scalar electromagnetics.” This limitless energy is said to “know” everything and to be a source of information that may be accessed.
This field of energy is regarded to be timeless (it has always existed), a natural phenomenon that remains in an ever-present, ever-changing, constantly in motion “stable” state and is a part of everything, including humans. It has been referred to as the “God Force,” a component of the “Zero Point,” “Super light,” “Ether,” “Tachyons,” or simply “It” by others. (Ormus is assumed to communicate with this field in a way that benefits both physical and mental life, a phenomenon known as quantum coherence.) – Harezi’s Resonance in Residence
The benefits of Ormus may revolve on the idea that it aids life by acting as a form of nutritional supplement. While humans get Ormus through food, water, and air, it is thought that in modern industrial times, these sources may be scarce, and we may benefit from Ormus supplementation. Ormus is either consumed or used topically.
As a supplement, it is believed that Ormus may induce vibrancy in the physical body, manifesting as improved stamina or attaining excellent health, and that the presence of Ormus may strengthen (advance) the intellect. Ormus, I believe, feeds a region of life that promotes vibrancy, and as such, the Ormus substance may be regarded a form of “universal medicine,” and therefore have a similar property to the “Philosopher’s Stone,” which was frequently mentioned by ancient alchemists. This virtue of being a form of universal medication may contribute to greater health and maybe a longer life.
While the presence of Ormus can increase the vibrancy of the physical “body,” resulting in improved health, it can also increase the vibrancy of the physical “mind,” allowing it to develop to its full potential. The mind may “develop” and become what it is supposed to be in this fashion. This idea, I believe, has far-reaching implications, since when a mind is adequately nourished, it expands, and thoughts formed may not be the same. The vigour of a well-fed mind may allow for fresh and unusual thinking, as well as a new way of viewing events in one’s life.
Furthermore, Ormus materials used as supplements have been linked to higher intuitions, presumably as a result of a “well-fed” mind or improved connection with the quantum field.” Ormus has been credited with the feeling of satisfaction, which has been interpreted as probably resulting from the knowledge that each particular moment being experienced is pure and non-duplicable. Each instant requires energy to be created, and Ormus may help to meet those needs by acting as a “nutritional supplement” and/or interacting with the “quantum field.”
Ormus supplementation has also led in events relating to alterations in time perception, where there is less of a distinction between sensations related to “Past-Present-Future” and the attention becomes more oriented on “Here-Now-Present.” The emphasis on Here-Now-Present may arise from a sense of contentment. The notion is circular and brilliant in its simplicity. (Note: this Here-Now-Present description corresponds to how I feel and explains the significant good changes in my days and life.)
Ormus has been dubbed the “matrix of consciousness” by some because it appears to enhance our “level of awareness,” also known as our “level of consciousness” (LOC). With increased awareness, the mind’s emphasis shifts away from “body sensations” and towards thoughts about the individual’s past, present, and future. In reality, a bodily sense level of consciousness is a “ego” producing one that reacts to the “I principle” (ego based), where “I” are defined as follows:
“I” am this body, this mind, and this intellect. In its place, a level of consciousness emerges that is less dominated by the dividing effects caused by “ego,” and a larger connection happens between the physical “mind” and the ever-present, all-knowing “quantum field of energy.” As a result of this communication, the individual senses an underlying sense of closeness to a field of unlimited energy (this “Zero-Point,” “God Force,” ever-present, ever-changing, constantly in action “all”).
The experience of connectivity frequently develops in emotions of great calm and happiness, resulting in a diminished urge to demonstrate ego-based acts or to defend ego-based positions (status) in the physical world.
Greater connectivity between the physical “mind” and the “quantum field of energy” may result in the sensation of having more “knowledge,” manifesting “intuitive” wisdom, or having “insights.” Perhaps I had experienced this myself when the phrases “everything is OK” and “it is what it is” “lit up” in my conscious consciousness and became part of “who I am.”
One thing is certain: Ormus are “transformational” substances that appear to produce profound and long-lasting change in an individual.