Ormus and the Ark of the Covenant: Exploring the Connection

Written by Denis Cooney
June 5, 2023

The Ark of the Covenant is a biblical artifact shrouded in mystery and intrigue. It is not just a physical object, but a symbol of power and divine intervention. To many, the Ark represents a connection to God and an embodiment of the divine will. It is a source of wonder and awe for those who believe in its existence and significance.

Despite the Ark’s importance, its exact location remains unknown, and its power sources and mechanisms of operation are still a matter of speculation. This article delves into the mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant, exploring its history, symbolism, and potential power sources.

We will also examine the various theories surrounding its whereabouts and the individuals and groups who are believed to be its custodians. Through this exploration, we seek to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic artifact and shed light on its significance in both spiritual and historical contexts.

David Radius Hudson presents a compelling and thought-provoking perspective, shedding light on the fascinating notion that the Ark of the Covenant served as a remarkable apparatus specifically designed to facilitate the transportation of both the revered substance known as Manna and the legendary Philosopher’s Stone, also referred to as the ORME.

Through his meticulous research and insightful analysis, Hudson makes a compelling case, inviting us to delve deeper into the profound mysteries surrounding this ancient artifact and its potentially profound significance.


Key Takeaways


  • The exact location and mechanisms of operation of the Ark of the Covenant remain unknown, and its power sources and ORME superconductivity are still a matter of speculation.
  • The Ark’s association with alchemy, symbolism, and various concepts such as the Philosopher’s Stone, Star Fire, ORME, and the Tree of Life has made it a topic of fascination and interest among scholars and enthusiasts.
  • The Ark may have been used to transport the unknown substance of Star Fire, which was believed to have powerful properties for healing, rejuvenation, and extended life.
  • Despite numerous claims and speculations, the location and custodians of the Ark of the Covenant remain shrouded in mystery, with archaeological evidence failing to provide a definitive answer.

According to the insights shared by Laurence Gardner, a respected scholar [1], the historical backdrop preceding Moses reveals a significant absence of both an Israelite priesthood and temples.

In the earlier periods, stretching back to the days of the venerable patriarch Abraham, Mesopotamia boasted the presence of learned priests and splendid temples, while the rituals practiced by Abraham, Jacob, and their contemporaries in Canaan were notably more rudimentary.

However, the landscape shifted dramatically with the advent of Moses, who introduced the concept of a redefined Israelite priesthood, drawing inspiration from the Egyptian model. This transformative period also witnessed the construction of the portable Tabernacle of the Congregation at Sinai, serving as the Israelites’ first temple. Intriguingly, another remarkable Egyptian influence emerged during this time—the enigmatic Ark of the Covenant—a sacred vessel intended to house the sacred writings of the law.

Moreover, beyond its symbolic significance, there exists a captivating notion that the Ark possessed an inherent power source, which adds another layer of fascination to its mystique. This intriguing proposition is partially rooted in the possibility of a Vesica Pisces, an ancient symbol denoting sacred geometry, being incorporated as a connecting link between the Cherubim adorning the Ark’s cover. This remarkable depiction and description of the Vesica Pisces, as showcased and elucidated by ka-gold’s insightful interpretation, lends credence to the notion of the Ark’s potential power source.

In essence, Gardner’s profound observations offer us a glimpse into the dynamic evolution of religious practices within the Israelite community, the architectural transformations that accompanied it, and the enigmatic qualities surrounding the Ark of the Covenant, raising compelling questions about its sacred purpose and the hidden forces it may have harnessed.

In his compelling discourse, David Radius Hudson puts forth a persuasive argument suggesting that the Ark of the Covenant served as a remarkable apparatus designed for the transportation of two revered substances: Manna and the ORME, otherwise known as the Philosopher’s Stone. With meticulous research and insightful analysis, Hudson unveils a captivating perspective, inviting us to explore the profound mysteries surrounding this ancient artifact and its potential significance.

Due to the remarkable superconductivity of the ORME, the Ark of the Covenant required delicate handling. In fact, anyone who approached it without being “in resonance with it” (meaning they had consumed some ORME and therefore possessed a certain degree of superconductivity themselves) was at risk of being destroyed by a collapse in the magnetic Meissner Field flux. This peril associated with the Ark was strongly emphasized.

Numerous Israelites met their demise as a result of the Ark of the Covenant. This ranged from those who sought to worship before the Ark while journeying from Egypt to join Moses and Aaron, to an unfortunate individual who attempted to prevent the Ark from tipping as it entered the city of David.

Additionally, there were instances where the Ark was used to vanquish enemies of the Israelites, but it also led to unintended consequences, causing the death of some Israelites. Consequently, by the time theTemple of Solomon was constructed, it became evident that the Ark needed to be securely housed and kept away from the general population—those lacking the necessary resonance.


During the reign of King Solomon, an intriguing figure emerged on the scene—the Queen of Sheba, also known as the Queen of the South. It is believed, according to Immanuel Velikovsky’s theories, that this queen was none other than Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt. Her temple in Luxor vividly depicts her voyage to the “land of Punt” and the treasures she brought back from there. Interestingly, “Punt” can be interpreted as Israel, which Queen Hatshepsut reached by sailing down the Nile to the Mediterranean and then to a conveniently located port near Jerusalem.

However, the most significant outcome of Queen Hatshepsut’s visit was her conceiving a child with Solomon. Upon her return to Egypt, she gave birth to a son named Menelik. Unbeknownst to Solomon, Menelik returned to Jerusalem at the age of twenty-one to be acknowledged as his son. Solomon, demonstrating his sense of responsibility, recognized Menelik as his own.

Unfortunately, this stirred intense opposition among the Levites, the high priests, who viewed Menelik as a mixed-race individual. The high priests held strong beliefs about racial purity, and to them, the half-breed Menelik, as the eldest son of Solomon, posed a challenge to the succession of the Jerusalem throne. The Levites voiced their concerns to Solomon, demanding that he send his son away.

Displaying his wisdom, Solomon responded, “Very well, but if my son must depart, all of you Levites must also send away your eldest sons.” Consequently, all the eldest sons of the Levites accompanied Menelik in his departure. Interestingly, they took the Ark of the Covenant with them as they left!

Interestingly, the individuals who transported the Ark to Egypt were actually the rightful caretakers by bloodline. They consisted of the eldest sons of the Levites, who held the responsibility for the Ark, and in the case of Menelik, the son of the king. David Hudson sheds light on this aspect, mentioning that the Hebrew people have been reluctant to discuss this matter extensively, as it was their own actions that led to its loss. The Aaronic or rabbinical priesthood has been hesitant to address the departure of the high priesthood from Jerusalem.

Hudson further reveals that the Ark of the Covenant found its home in Egypt on the island of Elephantine, where an exact replica of the Temple of Solomon was constructed. Graham Hancock’s book, “The Sign and the Seal,” highlights the discoveries made by excavators on the island of Elephantine, including the precise dimensions of the Temple of Solomon and the location where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.

According to Hudson, the Temple of Luxor contains records of the plunder and loot taken from the Temple of Solomon by Thutmose II, who later returned as pharaoh to seize more from the temple. Interestingly, the Ark of the Covenant is not listed in the plunder because it was already in their possession. The recorded items consist of gold, silver, and copper. Among the golden items is an elongated pyramidal shape referred to as “The Bread of the presence of God” beneath the category of shewbread. This symbol aligns with depictions of a sacred ceremony, where the king offers the white bread to the Ark of the Covenant symbol, accompanied by a black Anubis sitting on top. The presence of Anubis represents the digestive system, while the king offers the “white powder of gold” referred to as the secret substance.

According to Graham Hancock’s book, “The Sign and the Seal,” it is claimed that the Ark of the Covenant eventually made its way to Axum, Ethiopia. However, David Hudson presents a different perspective, suggesting that the chain of events indicates its relocation. Hudson believes that the current Hebrew population in Israel made an agreement to bring the Falasha Jews, who were facing challenges including AIDS, out of Ethiopia. In exchange, they were offered the Ark of the Covenant. This led to the airlifting of the black Jews into Israel.

“The Sign and the Seal” also sheds light on the reason behind the arrest of the Knights Templar. Hudson asserts that they were caretakers of the Ark of the Covenant. They accompanied a leader to Jerusalem, helped reinstate him on the Ethiopian throne, and took responsibility for safeguarding the Ark. However, when the Pope discovered their involvement, he ordered their execution.

Asfor the current whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant, it remains a fundamental question. It is unlikely to be stored in some military warehouse, as depicted in “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” It is speculated that it may be in Israel, having been recently brought from Ethiopia, or perhaps in another location. However, the Knights Templar account appears more plausible.

The outcome of the Pope and the King of France’s attempt to eradicate the Knights Templar was not as intended. Instead, many of the Knights escaped on their navy, taking a substantial portion of their wealth and gold with them. The question arises: Did the Ark accompany them on their sea voyage?

However, considering the potential risks, it seems unlikely. Laurence Gardner proposes an alternative scenario. He suggests that the Ark may have been taken to the Chartres Cathedral in northern France, where it is believed to remain to this day. It is said to reside within the center of the Labyrinth, existing in an extradimensional state. For more detailed information, it is advised to consult the book. The evidence supporting this theory is quite compelling and casts doubt on the Ethiopian claim of housing the Ark in a church under the protection of a single priest. Upon closer consideration, the presence of a lone priest does not strongly support the Ark’s presence there.

Given the meticulous planning and foresight of the Knights Templar, it is unlikely that they would have relocated the Ark anywhere other than an extradimensional state.

Alchemy and symbolism have been closely associated with the Ark of the Covenant, with various theories linking it to the Philosopher’s Stone, Star Fire, ORME, Tree of Life, and other related concepts. Symbolic interpretation of the Ark’s meaning has been a popular topic among scholars and enthusiasts alike. Some believe that the Ark represents the ultimate goal of alchemy, which is the transmutation of base metals into gold, while others see it as a symbol of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The concept of alchemical transmutation is closely tied to the Ark’s symbolism, as it is believed to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. The Philosopher’s Stone, which is said to possess the power of transmutation, has been linked to the Ark by some scholars, who suggest that the Ark was used to transport ORME, also known as the Philosopher’s Stone, from one place to another. The Tree of Life, which is a symbol of spiritual growth and enlightenment, has also been linked to the Ark, suggesting that it represents the ultimate goal of human evolution.

Overall, the Ark of the Covenant has been a source of fascination for scholars and enthusiasts alike, with its intricate symbolism and hidden mysteries continuing to captivate our imaginations.

About the Author

Denis Cooney

Denis of Oz is is a 60's era researcher, change agent and alchemist. Denis explores the realms of the seen and the unseen .. and is a bridge between the two. Denis makes Elixirs of happiness that perform as the gateway between the realms .. Change for the better happens with our Elixir of Life varieties .. Old 'friends' drop off and new "aligned with higher values" friends come into your life. A better lifestyle becomes your new reality.
Denis Cooney making Ormus