Start Your ‘Monatomic Gold Magical Mystery Tour’ right here ..

Firstly: Why Elixir of Life-Monatomic Gold??

Manifestation! Do you Aspire to More? Much More?? It’s about GETTING YOUR LIFE BETTER! You have probably heard that Monatomic Gold DOES THIS! Now you can KNOW! In the meantime, see the raves below from happy users.

If you’re looking to buy Monatomic Gold, our Alchemical elixirs are the closest that you can get to a ‘Liquid-Manifester’ because it excites the creative essence of our nature at the “Soul Level” and has the effect of speeding up the ‘real-ization’ of what you intend to manifest.

What do YOU want to Speed Up the Manifestation of in Your life and world?

Getting Started With Monatomic Gold by Denis of Oz

When starting out your “Ormus Magical Mystery Tour” with Denis of Oz Monatomic Gold, we recommend you start with our most sought after Monatomic Gold variety, called the Self Regeneration (SR) themed Monatomic Gold. Even if you’ve had other Monatomic Gold products before, it is beneficial to begin with Self Regeneration because any journey is best started with your focus on your SELF! We speak here about all aspects of YOU and the Inner Richness of YOU!

Self Regeneration is the by far the most ‘Soul Connecting’ Monatomic Gold, and therefore the most Healing Elixir that we make. Our customers have reported regularly the experience of the removal of obstacles in their lives .. be they Physical, Emotional, Mental, or even Karmic, Societal or Financial. We believe these conditions are often best addressed at the SPIRITUAL/SOUL LEVEL. Having SR also prepares you for the other themed Monatomic Gold Elixirs that we suggest on our ‘Ormus Magical Mystery Tour’©.

You can purchase the Self Regeneration (SR) Ormus as a single bottle, or with one or more bottles or as part of our Special discounted ‘Bonus’ and ‘Soul’ packs. We have  observed hugely increased benefits in customers over longer periods of their Monatomic Gold taking.

Unlike anyone else, we offer a Money Back Guarantee on our Soul and Bonus packs.

Begin Your Ormus Tour Here

Self Regeneration (SR) Ormus – The Ormus for Healing and Alignment With Your Life Purpose

Any important journey starts with us and where we are at. Upgrading and renewing who WE are is the focus of Self Regeneration (SR). The Self Regeneration Ormus elixir is principally dedicated to resetting the vibration of your self, your soul … with the accent on your higher self and the kind of person that you CAN be, as you realise (make real) your highest potential in this life.

This SR elixir usually creates a feeling of upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential.

Astrologically, our Self Regeneration Ormus is created on the Aries Full Moon to capture the potency of the Mars ‘Fire’ energies. Aries, as the first sign i the astrological zodiac, is all about your SELF which includes your higher and lower aspects of self, and the realignment with your highest ‘mission and purpose’ this lifetime.


Testimonials of Self Regeneration Users

I began taking Ormus as an optimistic skeptic. I have done years of inner work, but was always hitting a ‘glass ceiling’. Frustrated, I sought assistance and a dear friend suggested I try Denis’ Ormus. Just days into his Ormus I felt a quickening inside, and a power that has been begging to be born, finally coming to life! I welcomed its arrival with sweet laughter and recognition.

Monatomic gold healing

Hey Denis of Oz, You are a true Wizard! I started taking your Ormus last August and have had 4 bottles over that time. I must say thank you, thank you, thank you, to you and your Ormus because I have never felt so present, so centered, so on purpose, so connected, so blissful, so focused and so fulfilled than I did with you’re your Ormus! I became a ‘human-being’ rather than just a ‘human-doing’.” Cheyne , The Profit Machine, Melbourne, Australia

 My journey began on 06.12.2013 with Self Regeneration. I am delighted with the continual bubbling happiness; my hair darkening by the day; and my throat – the only place that really showed my age – losing that awful crepe-paper look. Regeneration of teeth and lungs is now eagerly awaited ! Self Regeneration has been a blessing – not only am I regaining my health, I think I am impervious to energy theft. My gratitude to you and others who work to make this world the beautiful place we’d like it to be. Blessings to you all.”  Ollie Sutherland, Katoomba, NSW, Australia

BEFORE I mustered the courage to actually consume Denis’ ORMUS I contacted him to find out what the heck he did to his product to make it so exceptional. Denis must’ve talked 45 minutes straight telling me about all the things that led up to each discovery – all those non-physical ‘ingredients’ that makes his ORMUS one of the more powerful products I’ve ever used. I’m convinced that these non-physical ingredients are as important as the physical ones. You still need to begin with quality product, and follow the procedures, and protect from EMF, and all of that, but those non-physical qualities seem to rev up it with jet fuel.  ORMUS blessings to all.  Sharon, Nth California, USA

 Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of ORMUS”!! That’s exactly how I felt when I opened the package of ‘humble’ Pacific wet-method precipitate from Denis of OZ the other day! There was nothing humble about how it slugged my psyche just from handling it. My first impression was just a whole lot of energy just handling the package and then a ball of energy when I opened it.  I sensed I was receiving energy bundles – like bundles of information, but nothing filtered to my conscious brain.

What Makes Ormus by Denis of Oz Different?


All our Ormus water is collected from the prestine waters of Currumbin on the full or new moon. Currumbin beach was recently voted the cleanest beach in Australia.

Using Alchemy and our invited high vibrational frequencies, you can see in the photo to the right, more goes into our Ormus than your standard products out there. Only awakened ones are present during our Ormus sessions, who amplify specific intentions and themes that are invoked for each themed batch.

We think tour customers experiences sum up our difference the best

Choose from 500ml Size Bottles or Special Discounted Bonus or Soul Packs

“Our money-back-guarantee is: ‘It’s Your Happiness’ .. Or your Money Back to you. We take the financial risk for your discovery.”
(Money back Guarantee pnly on the Bonus and Soul Packs)

Option #1 - Bonus Pack

Save $20 + Receive $20 Value FREE Gift
For healing, upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest
potential +++ vibrational programming focus on Richness, Reward, Abundance and [often] ‘Money’.

Bonus Pack Includes:
500 ml (16 oz) bottle of ‘Self Regeneration’
500 ml (16 oz) bottle of ‘Mother Of Abundance’
FREE **DreamTime© 25ml under pillow bottle — ‘Heaven on Earth/Happiness Theme

Lasts approx. 8 months (Longer for “Sensitives or Empaths” who need to take a lot LESS daily)

“Your Happiness or Your Money Back Guarantee is on all our Soul and Bonus Packs – – Pack completion guarantee.“

Option #2 - Soul Family Pack

Save $40 + Receive $60 Value in FREE Gifts
For healing, upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential +++ vibrational programming focus on Richness, Reward, Abundance and [often] ‘Money’. +++ family harmony, resonance, soulful connection, community and family healing. Use (HR) in your salad dressings at the family meal (an easy way to get Ormus into the kids) to observe the increased Harmony and alignment. Families who have Ormus long term have the Most Amazingly Creative and Expressive children.

Included in the Soul Family Pack Special are 3 of our most popular batches of our Ormus Water:
500 ml bottle of ‘Self Regeneration’ (SR)
500 ml bottle of ‘Mother Of Abundance’ (MA)
500 ml bottle of ’2nd Octave’ Harmony & Resonance (HR)
FREE **DreamTime© 25ml (Ormus by proximity) under pillow bottle: ( DT)
FREE ‘Space of Grace’© 50ml (Ormus Space Clearing Spray): (SG)
FREE ‘SHOWER of POWER’© Immediate Consciousness Uplift Exercise (laminated with instructions) (SP)

Lasts ONE person 12 months supply and TWO people 6 months supply. (Longer for “Sensitives or Empaths” who need to take a lot LESS every day .. see instructions)

“Your Happiness or Your Money Back Guarantee is on all our Soul and Bonus Packs – – Pack completion guarantee.”

Option #3 – Soul Freedom Pack

Save $40 + Receive $60 Value in FREE Gifts

For healing, upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential +++ vibrational programming focus on Richness, Reward, Abundance and [often] ‘Money’. +++ freedom, lateral thinking, expanded world view, self-transformation and responsible clarity

Included in the Soul FREEDOM Pack Special are:

500 ml bottle of ‘Self Regeneration’ (SR)

500 ml bottle of ‘Mother Of Abundance’ (MA)

500 ml (16 oz) bottle of ‘Transcendence & Liberation’ (TL)

FREE **DreamTime© 25ml (Ormus by proximity) under pillow bottle: ( DT)

FREE ‘Space of Grace’© 50ml (Ormus Space Clearing Spray): (SG)

FREE ‘SHOWER of POWER’© Immediate Consciousness Uplift Exercise (laminated with instructions) (SP)

Lasts ONE person 12 months supply and TWO people 6 months supply. (Longer for “Sensitives or Empaths” who need to take a lot LESS every day .. see instructions)

“Your Happiness or Your Money Back Guarantee is on all our Soul and Bonus Packs – Pack completion guarantee.”

Option #4 – Soul Intuitive Pack

Save $40 + Receive $60 Value in FREE Gifts

For healing, upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential +++ vibrational programming focus on Richness, Reward, Abundance and [often] ‘Money’ +++ The RECOVERY of our ‘Intuitive Knowings’ and recognition of the relatedness of all things was how we were and how we will soon be again. Knowing in the form of ClairVoyance (inner seeing), ClairAudience, (inner ‘hearing’) and ClairSentience (Inner Knowing-by-Feeling).

Included in the Soul Intuitive Pack Special:

500 ml bottle of ‘Self Regeneration’ (SR)

500 ml bottle of ‘Mother Of Abundance’ (MA)

500 ml bottle of ’2nd Octave’ Intuitive Quickening (IQ)

FREE **DreamTime© 25ml (Ormus by proximity) under pillow bottle: ( DT)

FREE ‘Space of Grace’© 50ml (Ormus Space Clearing Spray): (SG)

FREE ‘SHOWER of POWER’© Immediate Consciousness Uplift Exercise (laminated with instructions) (SP)

Lasts ONE person 12 months supply and TWO people 6 months supply. (Longer for “Sensitives or Empaths” who need to take a lot LESS every day .. see instructions)

“Your Happiness or Your Money Back Guarantee is on all our Soul and Bonus Packs – Pack completion guarantee.”

Option #5 – 2 x 500 ml Bottles

Save $17

For healing, upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential.

2 x 500 ml bottles of ‘Self Regeneration’ (SR)

FREE **DreamTime© 25ml (Ormus by proximity) under pillow bottle: ( DT)

8 months supply

“Your Happiness or Your Money Back Guarantee is on all our Soul and Bonus Packs – Pack completion guarantee.”

Option #6 – 1 x 500 ml Bottle

For healing, upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential.

500 ml bottle of ‘Self Regeneration’ (SR)

4 months supply

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our product feel to contact us by one of the methods below.

Call (in Oz)

0433 23 8888


Call (Int'l)

+61 4 3323 8888