The Elixir of Healing and Alignment with Your Life Purpose. The Self Regeneration Ormus (SR) is our most healing Ormus elixir, for true healing happens at the soul level.
$97.22 – $257.22
Self Regeneration Ormus
The Self Regeneration Ormus elixir functions and resonates to reset the Vibration, the Essence of your Self,  your Soul … with the focus on your higher self and the kind of person that you CAN be as you realise (make real) your highest potential in this life.
Ormus (known back then as Manna) Â has been known historically to manifest healing results since Biblical times. Ormus is modern day Alchemy.
Uplift and Heal .. on every level.
As we uplift on the awareness/consciousness front our lives get easier and easier. SR lifts people by vibrational healing ABOVE the vibrational level where a lot of ‘Dis-Ease’ and suffering is functioning .. to a new higher level of clear and happy living.
The SR Elixir is a Life Changer! You will start to SEE things you have never noticed, with increasing frequency. People tend to Spiritually advance … their spiritual practices (if they have any) being much more satisfying, deep, fulfilling and producing sweeter days .. accumulatively!  SR users start to notice their own inner world more, like a witness to their own evolution.
Ormus Manifests Stuff Faster!  The SR Ormus and Ormus generally, seems to MANIFEST (bring into being) the items of our interest and focus with increasing speed!  So it is suggested that you focus on the people, places and things that excite and reward you .. not the opposite.
SR taken regularly (and with any of our other varieties) will TRANSFORM your existence .. sweetly elevating your experience, quality of life, inner perspective and more important to many Ormus Beginners: allow for Healing and Transcending of old limiting conditions .. be they Physical, Mental, Emotional, Financial or Social.  SR, is like ‘Patient Magic’ .. it may takes days, weeks or months for this sweet evolution, but YOUR CLARITY and HAPPINESS WILL HAPPEN!
This SR Elixir usually creates a feeling of upliftment, the release of old patterns, the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and the celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential.
Denis of Oz Speaks on Self Regeneration (SR)
Astrologically, our Self Regeneration Ormus is created on the Aries Full Moon to capture the potency of the Mars ‘Fire’ energies. Aries, as the first sign, is all about your SELF which includes your higher and lower aspects of self, and the realignment with your highest ‘mission and purpose’ this lifetime.
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In the world of esoteric knowledge and alchemy, the concept of the M State Ormus has intrigued researchers and spiritual seekers for centuries. The M State, also known as the metaphysical state, refers to a form of matter that exists beyond the limits of our direct...
Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, holds great significance in the biblical book of Exodus. However, recent archaeological discoveries suggest that it may have also been an ancient site of alchemy and an Egyptian laboratory that produced the mysterious White...
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