Unveiling the ORME’s Alchemical Secrets: The Path to the Elixir of Life

Alchemy and Ormus are intricately connected. Ormus is created through an alchemical process but more than that, ingesting Ormus causes the recipient to undergo an alchemical transformation. Accordingly, it is a valuable exercise to understand the nature of Alchemy.
The term “alchemy” is widely used in the scientific and philosophical fields, but it can also be applied to the mundane field of cosmetics. As a result, some consumers associate alchemy with all things magical and wonder what these products are actually made of. Alchemy is an art that produces transformative results. While its origins are shrouded in mystery, there is no doubt that this ancient discipline can influence our lives for good.
What is Alchemy?
First, there are many definitions of alchemy. The earliest known one is considered to have been written in Egypt by George Sarton (in the 1800s) Al-Kīmiyā, as far back as 2000 BC, describes fire and water being used for learning about nature and transmuting chemical compounds. In formulating his ideas on Alchemy Ibn Uluwali stated that all things formed from human consciousness.
This was an important concept for the alchemists who believed that with the help of a process called transmutation, elements from nature could be transformed into other forms.
Alchemy concerns itself with creating and learning to transform, not just physical matter but also human consciousness. One needs first to understand what is being sought in alchemy and then it will be clear when transformations are necessary or desired.
Although many have been interested in these mystical fields at different times variously described as magic, mysticism and divination, historically, the alchemical process has gradually been reduced to a set of mystical practices that usually take place in underground laboratories called Oyliyon (“gold houses”).
They are often very dark places where strange lights form globes around the master’s feet. In addition there is an air of expectancy among students as if assisting them on their way through life’s crucible towards some great accomplishment or reward for all their efforts.
The alchemical Mysteries were a body of knowledge in Western Esotericism, particularly Neo-Platonism. What separates alchemy from other forms of magic is that the preferred goal was not to summon deities for selfish gain (although this would also have been possible) but rather to reach the state of “becoming” in which one would theoretically merge with divinity.
The Essenes and many Jewish sects also held alchemical beliefs, including creating a Philosopher’s stone (a talisman possessing or representing the power of turning base metals into gold), striving for immortality through self-purification, promising rewards for material goods acquired by years spent innocently earning them (or less selfishly giving them away).

Alchemical Emblem

Alchemical Meditation

Alchemical Mandala
If the goal of alchemy is to transform base materials into precious ones, then the concept of transmutation itself must be open to a variety of different interpretations. Nuclear transmutation, in which the nuclei of elements are modified so as to generate one or more new elements, is by far the most prevalent type of element creation.
The transmutation of particular precious elements into a mono-atomic state, in which the nuclear characteristics are rapidly and radically changed, is one of the less standard nuclear transformation processes. Given that the “road less travelled” is the primary focus of this website, it makes sense that content related to that topic should come first.
Instead of transforming lead, a “base” metal, into gold, a “precious” metal, the subject of this discussion is the transmutation of the so-called precious metals—gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium—into something that is significantly more valuable. This is the setting in which the acronym ORME, which stands for “orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements,” is being used. In this day and age, obtaining the Elixir of Life and/or the Philosopher’s Stone may seem impossible, but the ORME, also known as the White Powder of Gold, may be the next best thing.
The extent to which the ORME is the truly significant elemental transmutation is investigated in depth in ORME Physics. It is sufficient to say that there is a great deal when it comes to the possibility of the ORME functioning as the pinnacle of all possible transformations.
As opposed to a superconducting beam of light, we are discussing nuclear transmutation, which is the process by which one element completely transforms into another element. This phenomena is considered to be more traditional and accepted within the scientific community. Nuclear transformation is not the same as chemistry, which is the study of how various atoms can combine or split (but without ever losing their chemical properties). During the process of nuclear transmutation, the element itself, namely the nuclei (which are the source of the substance’s elemental nature), are transformed into another, very distinct element.
According to the accepted paradigm in contemporary physics, nuclear transmutation is quite unremarkable stuff. The process of radioactive decay, in which one element transforms into another element by emitting alpha, beta, or gamma radiation, is a common source of this substance. In the strictest sense, alpha “radiation” is really a helium-4 nucleus (which consists of two neutrons and two protons), whereas beta “radiation” refers to the emission of one electron from the nucleus (which is equivalent to converting a neutron in the nucleus into a proton).

The mechanism that is responsible for the creation of other unique elements from the initial radioactively decaying element is a change in the total number of protons contained within the nucleus. [However, a change in the number of neutrons in an element merely results in a change in the isotopes of that element, which means that the element remains the same but has a different nuclear mass.]
The two other types of nuclear reactions are fission and fusion. The first method involves breaking down heavy atoms like uranium-235 and plutonium-239 into smaller pieces known as “fission fragments” (much lighter elements which are between the split element and iron; the latter the apex of stability in the nuclear chart). This is the fundamental concept behind not only the atomic bomb but also all commercial nuclear power facilities in operation today.
Through a process known as nuclear fusion, lighter elements can combine to generate heavier ones. The most promising candidate is hydrogen, specifically deuterium, which is simply hydrogen with an additional neutron added to its nucleus. Deuterium may be fused to produce helium-4. (The number four indicates the total amount of protons and neutrons in the atom. Helium is composed of two protons.)
Theoretically, one can also fuse three nuclei of helium-4 into a single nucleus of carbon-12. However, this process has only been observed to occur in stellar reactions so far since stars have the energy necessary to launch the process and the ability to “manage” it once it has begun (i.e. a massive gravitational field).
The hydrogen bomb is a device for producing nuclear fusion (which interestingly enough requires an atomic bomb to detonate it). Unless one considers “cold fusion,” controlled thermonuclear fusion does not yet have any potential for use in commercial applications. (The latter is the pinnacle of nuclear transmutation because it can essentially take place at room temperature, much to the displeasure of people who are enthusiastic about hot fusion and the people who financially support them. The commercial viability of cold fusion is consequently hampered, mostly as a result of uninformed physicists and entrenched business interests.
The problem with nuclear transmutations of the mainstream, commercial variety is that the fission fragments that can be derived from them are radioactive. These high-level nuclear wastes include long-lived nuclides that arise from the re-processing of spent fuels from nuclear power plants. Even the typical nuclear hot fusion method has discovered that the associated equipment is getting radioactive. As a result, there is not a significant benefit to using the hot fusion process rather than the fission process. Bummer.
The management period for the geological disposal of nuclear wastes could be much shorter than expected (now roughly a thousand years), and this could lead to a significant reduction in the burden of radioactive waste over geologic times.
On the other hand, if the long-lived nuclides could be converted to the short-lived or stable ones by some transmutation technique, the management period for the geological disposal of nuclear wastes could be much shorter than expected.
The idea of nuclear transmutation, in particular of radioactive waste products, is not, thankfully, something that can only exist in the realm of imagination. There are currently what seem to be practical processes that should be able to eliminate the problem of disposing of radioactive waste. The problem has been there for quite some time. These include different iterations of the processes that are being researched in cold fusion, small publicly traded companies like Nuclear Solutions, Inc., which assert that they have the resources necessary to complete the task, and as an entirely new line of enquiry, the possibility of biological transmutation. This last point is deserving of fair treatment because it is a topic in its own right.
ORME’s Alchemical Secrets

Alchemy and the several variations on a theme that are related to it have been the subject of a great deal of literature (including the ORME, ORMUS, Star Fire, White Powder of Gold, Philosopher’s Stone, Food of the Gods, Biological and other Transmutations, and so on). All of these chemicals are said to be able to guide sincere believers to the promised land and get them started on a journey that is referred to as “The Great Work” in alchemy. On the one hand, one source known as Ancient Writings states that the “Philosopher’s Stone” is the end objective of the “Great Work of alchemy,” which is also referred to as the “Art.” While there are many who, although having less faith in the manifestations of physical chemistry, assert that the only Great Work is to “harness the spirit within matter into the service of humanity.” (The latter has a propensity towards acting a little superior to others, but it’s not completely wrong either.)
In point of fact, one may argue that the two different versions are complementary to one another. [This is definitely a benefit!] Anyone who engages in the transformation of matter through chemistry will almost certainly also be involved in the more spiritual part of the process at the same time.
Because it is a fact that when one considers the other end results of this physical and chemical transmutation, and after that, the ingestion of said results (which will be described a little bit later), one quickly realises that things such as perfect health, longevity, and so on and so forth, will almost certainly have beneficial effects on the health of the mind and spirit as well.
This is because the physical and chemical transmutation is causing a change in the structure of the atoms in the body. To put it another way, The Great Work encompasses both the material and the ethereal!
But before we get to that, I think it’s important that we first take special note of the distinction and connection between alchemy and some of the other disciplines mentioned above; some of the latter of which claim apparently related physical elements and processes… not to mention end results. It’s possible that it’s important that we do this.
It is important to note, for instance, the potential connection between the Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy (and/or the Elixir of Life… also of Alchemy), and the ORME (also known as Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements), as well as, in some cases, the ORMUS. In addition, it is important to note that there is a connection between the ORME and the ORMUS.

As it turns out, the original thesis of the ORME, which was brought down from the heavens by David Hudson, was based, to a large degree, on the possibility of a relationship between the ORME and the ancient and traditional White Powder of Gold.
This was the case because David Hudson believed that the ORME was somehow related to the White Powder of Gold. Gold, silver, and the other six precious metals (Ruthenium, Iridium, Rhodium, Osmium and Palladium), when reduced to their monatomic states, are said to take on the appearance of white powders.
Furthermore, it is said that these white powders contain certain astonishing powers. The majority of these powers explain the effects that are claimed by alchemy to be associated with the Philosopher’s Stone and/or the Elixir of Life. It is the second and third stages, according to some accounts, that represent the climax of The Great Work of Alchemy.
Other aspects, such as the alchemist’s admonition to “divide, divide, and divide some more,” appear to further establish a connection between alchemy and the ORME. In the case of the ORME metals, the process consists of the physical division of various molecular structures, such as those of gold, to the point where the individual atoms of gold can be seen (i.e., monatomic, or in technical terms… all by their lonely).
This is the case in spite of the fact that the atoms of gold have a high affinity towards one another in the process of developing their yellow gold state (the one that we all love so much)… and which, as a result, renders the monatomic state an apparent rarity.
Because of the fact that things like microclusters of elements of the same kind have been shown to exhibit some unexpected and astounding new properties, the theory of ORME would seem to have substantial physical evidence to support the idea that extending the microcluster state down to the monatomic stage would almost certainly result in some very unusual properties of the ORME’s white powder. This is because of the fact that such things as microclusters of elements of the same kind have been shown to exhibit some unexpected and astounding new properties.
In the practise of alchemy, the suggestion to “divide, divide, divide” may be more accurately translated as “dilute, dilute, dilute” . It is possible that the process of repeatedly diluting a substance should bring to mind the practise of homoeopathy.

In homoeopathy, a series of careful dilutions can result in a solution in which the probability of having a single molecule of the original “active ingredient” is very close to zero… and yet, the massively diluted solution not only has the power to heal as effectively as the original solution, but it also does so without all of those annoying little side effects, such as swelling, bloating, This part of alchemy, which suggests comparable procedures as homoeopathy, then appears to provide some physical evidence to establish alchemy as a valid science as well.
A second kind of evidence supporting the actuality and validity of The Great Work of Alchemy tends to come from a different type of source, namely, that of the ancient alchemists who have authored a variety of works on the subject. These kinds of books, it must be said, have a tendency to be shrouded in enigma because the authors tend to be ever-so-slightly less forthright in their descriptions of precisely what an individual ought to do first, as well as with what substance, for how long, and by what strange and bewildering means. The primary presumption of alchemy has always been that the Philosopher’s Stone, which is esoteric (meaning “for the few”), is NOT something that is for the exoteric (meaning “for the many”), also known as the common people, the peasants, and all of those annoyingly traditionalist religious fundamentalists.
In addition, anyone who wants to build the Philosopher’s Stone… and then do all the wonders that are linked with it… needs to devote a significant amount of time to studying the accumulated literature of alchemy. In point of fact, it is rumoured that these wonders include the following: 1) a universal medicine for the body, mind, and spirit; 2) the ability to turn any metal into silver or gold (a bit of the Midas touch, there); 3) an elixir for plants and even minerals (for example, growing rubies for your slippers); 4) unlimited energy (for individuals, or in the form of electrical or other energy generating techniques); and even, 5) the creation of life.

Since the beginning, the notion that all of the advantages brought about by the Philosopher’s Stone and/or ORME (or ORMUS), which may and should be made available to any person, has been met with a significant amount of… well… hesitance… more or less equivalent to No way, Jose! To put it another way, ask yourself if you really want to give Hitler those kinds of powers. Assuming that the most accurate and appropriate response is “No!”… then what is it that could possibly stop the Stone/ORME/Elixir/Star Fire (by any other name, smelling just as lovely) from “falling into the wrong hands?” For instance, the same as yours.
There is a strong suggestion that anyone who is not in the proper “righteous” frame of mind will, as had been described by many abruptly aborted attempts to approach the original Ark of the Covenant, be done away with on the spot… essentially blasted to kingdom come (excuse the pun). This suggestion can be found in the original ORME material (ala David Hudson), which also links to the Ark of the Covenant.
This particular aspect has been made more well-known (if that’s the right word) thanks to films like “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” in which the villains (who were, of course, Nazis) were electrocuted by electrical discharges from the Ark, despite the fact that they attempted to approach the Ark in a righteous manner. (It should come as no surprise that the majority of those who engage in raiding do not, by definition, have a “righteous frame of mind.”) On the other hand, Nazis are usually the epitome of those who engage in criminal activity. They are really helpful in that regard because they serve that goal.)
In the meantime, this particular de-facto-prohibition or outright deletion (basically, a separating of the wheat from the chaff) can be attacked on the basis of a possibly fairly arbitrary interpretation of precisely exactly what constitutes “righteousness.” This conundrum may be somewhat analogous to the following question: Precisely who or what is responsible for enforcing the Prime Directive, for example… and how? Well… it just might be as suggested by Sol, once a civilisation reaches a certain threshold level — that such enforcement is simply a matter of the laws of physics… as in who and how is gravity enforced?
The same might be said about the ORME as well as alchemy; hence, this swiftly becomes an article of faith in some type of “rightness” to the cosmos, in which the rules of physics have their own agendas, and these agendas are “good.” It’s possible that this is the case, but in order to persuade us that it’s not simply a matter of picking one of the two available options, in the style of The Matrix, you’ll need to provide a little bit more evidence.
This additional “barrier” could very well be the fact that both the ORME and the Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy are items that need to be prepared for a significant amount of time, most likely over an extended period of time… and as a result, it takes a significant amount of faith in the process for anyone to be able to persevere. In addition to this, it is expected that one will put in a significant amount of research before beginning anything at all.
For example, in alchemy, despite the fact that several alchemical texts contain numerous deceptive comments about processes taking hours or days, the general agreement is that The Great Work is more like a three year process… provided that you do it well! In addition to this, it is necessary to extract, from each of those alchemical writings, the particular approach that is required for The Great Work. It would appear that the ORME method necessitates an equal level of intellectual input, time, and effort, in addition to a good degree of patience. And of course, before putting all of that effort, such a time frame requires one to have unwavering faith in both the procedure and the objective. This is a precondition for such a time frame.
White Powder of Gold
The White Powder of Gold can be interpreted as a variety of different things. In its purest form, it is the very elixir of life. It is also the Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy, the “manna” of ancient Hebrews, and even the “What is it?” of ancient Egyptians.
All of these terms refer to the same thing. In the world of science, the white powder of gold is known as the ORME. This refers to gold (or any of the other precious metals) in its monoatomic state, which can lead to superconductivity within an organic body.
The white powder of gold, when combined with water, transforms into the Elixir of Life, the dream of every alchemist. This substance is also referred to as “The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus” and “That which proceeds from the lips of the creator.”
It was also referred to as the “spittle of God,” but this did not mean that it was the word of God; rather, it meant that it was the spittle. Some people referred to it as the sperm of the heavenly father while others called it that. [The white powder won’t dissolve in the water even if you put it in there multiple times. Instead, it takes on the appearance of a gelatinous solution and is shaped very similarly to a sperm vial.]
The alchemists’ ultimate goal was to create a white powder of gold, also known as “the container of the light of life.” This had been their objective from the beginning. After that, simply being in its presence would prevent you from ageing further.
You would be granted eternal life if you consumed any of it. Its origins can be traced all the way back to Enoch, who was also known as Thoth and Hermes Trisgetimus; these names all refer to the same man, who defied death and went to heaven by consuming some mysterious white drops.
There is a peculiar reiteration of the question “What is it?” throughout Budge’s The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani [1], which is based on a papyrus that dates back to the Old Kingdom of Egypt. The papyrus contains excerpts that read, “I have been cleansed of all blemishes.”
What exactly is it? I soar over the heavens like Horus’s golden hawk. What exactly is it? Without expiring, I make my way beyond the immortals. What exactly is it? I stand here in front of my heavenly father. “What exactly is it?” The second enquiry is posed in a manner that is identical to hundreds of other times throughout the lengthy historical text.
Manna is what “What is it?” literally translates to when it’s said in Hebrew. Even an up-to-date dictionary might use the phrase “What is it?” to define manna. The high priest, also known as the Melchizedek priest, was entrusted with the responsibility of gathering manna.
At one time, Moses said to the people of Israel, “You have not kept the covenant, and as a result, the manna is being taken away from you.” However, in the end times it will make a comeback. When we reach that point, we will no longer be an elect high priesthood but a country of high priests.
The nourishment, which is also the light, that one takes into their body is the manna, which is a white powder of gold. It is considered to be the Diet of the Gods. Since the fall of the Temple of Solomon, no one has been able to recreate the manna, which is a white powder made of gold, according to what a Rabbi living in the contemporary day could tell you. According to legend, the method represents a long-forgotten art form or body of knowledge.
However, there are many who believe that when the high priests fled the Temple before its destruction, they carried the secret with them into the desert where they established a community known as Qumrun.
There, they evolved into the Essene people. In the end, the white powder was used to provide sustenance to a lady named Mary, and in the end, Mary gave birth to a child who was given the name Jesus. Some people believe that the white powder of gold was the factor that enabled Jesus to receive all of his blessings, including the ability to ascend into heaven.
These abilities include flawless telepathy, the capacity to recognise both good and evil when they are present, and the ability to transfer one’s thoughts into the mind of another person. The capacity to levitate or walk on water is another one of their superpowers. Individuals who consume the white powder of gold are transported beyond the four-dimensional space-time continuum and evolve into fifth-dimensional beings.
This is accomplished by the elimination of all external magnetic fields, which includes the gravitational pull of the earth. They can literally just conceive of a place they want to be and transport themselves there. They have the ability to heal others just by laying their hands on them, as well as the ability to purify and revive the dead within two or three days of their passing. They have so much energy that they can physically wrap their arms around humans and infuse them with light and vitality in the process.
The book of Revelations contains the following passage: “Blessed be the man who shall overcome, for he shall be given the hidden manna, the white stone of the purest type, upon which will be inscribed a new name.” It is unlikely that he will remain the same guy. Take note that the yellow substance that we generally conceive of as gold is not the white powder that contains gold.
However, there are numerous civilizations that are known to have given gold an exceptional value, even if the typical person in those societies was blissfully oblivious of the distinction between gold and other precious metals.
For instance, it has been asserted that many Chinese people customarily prepared their rice by adding a gold coin to the pot at the same time as the rice. This was done so that whoever ate the rice could, in some way, reap the advantages of the golden elixir that had been infused into it.
Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORME) is the term that is used to describe the white powder that is made of gold in modern language. The Precious Metals are the source from which the ORME is derived (Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Osmium, Ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium).
The nuclei of these precious elements, when subjected to a process known as superdeformation, enter a state that is monoatomic, superconducting, high spin, and low energy. It is in this state that, in accordance with ORME Physics and ORME Biology, the extraordinary qualities of gold powder, which is white in colour, can be brought to light.
The ORME represents a vast realm of knowledge, linking ancient traditions, cutting-edge science, and the depths of human consciousness. As we embark on this journey, we take the first step towards unraveling the mysteries hidden within. The ORME offers a glimpse into extraordinary possibilities, from telepathy and levitation to heightened awareness and the potential transformation of human abilities.
By incorporating precious metals into our understanding of ourselves and the world, we unlock the potential for profound advancements in science, spirituality, and human potential. The road ahead may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.
In a nutshell, everything is stored in the individual’s DNA, ready to be accessed when the time is right.